We've just released a couple of ways to embed your C&C Community leaderboard profiles into your streams.
Using OBS Browser Source
Create and customize your Leaderboard profiles and embed them directly into your OBS streams, utilising the OBS Browser source option.
Features include:
- Configure the colour, size and layout types of your Leaderboard profile
- Turn on/off properties, including properties like wins, losses, total games played etc, and display what you require.
- Automatic Leaderboard profile updates every 15 minutes.
- Live example of personalising your Leaderboard profile webview.
Demo of the output from configuring the webview.
The tutorial for this can be found on the C&C Community API GitHub page. Click here for the tutorial.
Example of OBS stream
Using OBS Text fields (Advanced)
Embed Leaderboard profile stats as text fields. This is a more advanced way of embedding and controlling how your stats appear.
- Automatically updates your text sources with your leaderboard rankings for the C&C Remasters.
- Show just your rank, or everything including: points, losses, wins.
- Move and control how the text behaves however you like.
- Works for both Tiberian Dawn & Red Alert
The tutorial for this can be found on the C&C Community API GitHub page. Click here for the tutorial.
Example of OBS stream
The tutorial for this can be found on the C&C Community API GitHub page. Click here for the tutorial.