Screenshot Competition 14
To participate, simply post your picture in the general discussion topic linked below by February 16, 13:00 GMT.
To participate, simply post your picture in the general discussion topic linked below by February 16, 13:00 GMT.
Dear Comrades, as eventful this past year was, we are looking forward to this New Year with excitement and optimism. We are starting off with a newsletter that will give you all some insight on what to expect from our plans and ambitions.
Greetings Comrades, GameReplays is proud to announce For The Win #87: FTW 87 will be a Single Elimination tournament beginning on January the 20th. Participants arrange the matches with their opponents themselves to see which day suits them best, one week per round.
Greetings Comrades, GameReplays is proud to announce this year's X-MAS Event, taking place from the 16th of December with a total prize pool of $265. The new format gives players the opportunity to participate over multiple weeks and time zones. Click the link to register!
As mentioned in EA_Jimterns post last week, EA has released the source code for the FinalSun and FinalAlert 2 mission editor under GPL V3, and it has just been made available on GitHub!
The Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection is now available on Steam and the EA App. From the classic Tiberium Saga to the alternate universe of Red Alert to the modern warfare of Generals, this must-have compilation delivers a Command & Conquer experience like no other.
Are you picking this up? Good! Reinforcements have arrived at CnC-DDraw. FunkyFr3sh has recently made CnC-DDraw 6.1 available for download. For those unaware, CnC-DDraw is a rendering alternative for old games that uses Direct Draw, making them compatible with newer systems and improving their graphics. You can use it on games like Command & Conquer Gold, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2, Carmageddon, Carmageddon 2, Warcraft 2, StarCraft, Diablo, Diablo 2, Age of Empires, Age of Empires II, Theme Hospital, Populous: The Beginning, Outlaws, Dungeon Keeper, Dark Reign: The Future of War, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Atomic Bomberman, Dune 2000, Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee, Commandos, Red Baron 3D, F-16 Multirole Fighter, F-22 Raptor, Nox, among others.
A new open-source map editor to replace FinalSun and FinalAlert 2.
Command & Conquer Renegade turns 21 on the 27th of February, so to celebrate, we're holding a small event to celebrate! Across this weekend, we'll have a special anniversary server up to play some games and celebrate the game that allowed us to experience C&C up close and personal for the first time!
The Community Outpost is hosting this year's real-life LAN meet-up for C&C Generals Zero Hour in Düsseldorf in November.
Come join us for the official 23rd Anniversary event of Tiberian Sun ! Join us on Discord for more: https://discord.gg/sTsm83AQAE
The C&C Remastered Collection was released 2 years ago. The Command & Conquer community celebrates!
GenPatcher is the best tool to use when you want to play Zero Hour on Windows 10 and 11, but what is GenPatcher? This video will explain everything you need to know about GenPatcher, including a step-by-step tutorial on how to use its many features to get the most out of Zero Hour on newer systems.
After a successful first version, GenPatcher 2.0 has finally arrived. As before, this tool streamlines the installation, patching and configuring process for C&C Generals and Zero Hour on modern systems, implementing multiple fixes at once and tackling pretty much all known causes for problems in setting the game up. This new version, which had been in beta since November 2021 and downloaded by 3000 users, introduces new fixes and also incorporates optional downloads such as GenTool, ExiLe's Control Bar Pro, GenLauncher for mods, Leikeze's hotkey preset, Adriane's modified Worldbuilder, and over 100 maps. Whether you're playing alone, casually with friends or competitively, this tool is an absolute must have. It comes in online downloader and full offline bundle versions, so you can even plan offline LAN parties like in the good old days. Full information and downloads are available on the author's website, Legi.cc.
One vision, one purpose! Masterleafcnc and the staff from Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster has been working hard these days and they have just released what could be its final version. Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster strives to improve the quality of the assets of Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath to look as best as possible in high screen resolutions like 4K. However, to use it, you'll need a video card with 4GB of RAM or more. The Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster had one goal, to make the game as good-looking as possible. With a painstaking amount of work done it's available for all to download. It comes in two versions: Standard or Alternate and is compatible with C&C Online multiplayer and includes bonus features for those with 1.02+ R18 map packs installed. Note: Some of the features are only available by using the 1.02+ R18 Map Packs, found on the Command Post app, which can be found here: Cgf-uploads.net (It also serves as a mirror for this). No installation guide is necessary, the installer takes care of everything. If you are curious about Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster, visit the Official Website to obtain further information about it. And that's all regarding Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster!
The C&C Renegade community will be celebrating its 20th anniversary. Join us February 19-27th for various anniversary events. https://discord.gg/R6cY7jdmbJ
Greetings Comrades, GameReplays is proud to announce this year's X-MAS Event taking place this weekend. 650$ in total prizes including 7 random draws of 20$. There will be a Double Elimination event on Saturday and two Turbo Rounds on Sunday. Click the link to register!
Red Alert Remastered 2v2 Tournament - Saturday 18th December 9.30pm UTC
There is a community organized Unified Red Alert Anniversary Event running from Nov 10th - 30th. Join the linked Discord channel to keep up to date with Mod showcases, tournaments and more!
MarkJFox is hosting a 1v1 Red Alert Remastered Tournament "Fox u stole the goose" taking place on Saturday 23rd October! See link for full trailer & details.