Gren has uploaded his latest Red Alert 3 map. Its a near perfect remake of Riverside Rumble for Tiberium Wars. Here's the details.
Riverside Rumble Redux
Red Alert 3 Skirmish map created from the original C&C 3 Tiberium Wars map. The map has been made into a 4 player version with lots of assets and mining opportunities. Naval construction is disabled so its an all-out Air & Land conflict. The map is most enjoyable as a 2v2 with players to the North of the river teaming up against the players to the South.
Riverside Rumble Redux (580 KB)
And if you need more maps for Red Alert 3 and even Uprising check out these downloads.
Uprising Maps for Red Alert 3 Map Pack
This is a map pack that contains four maps from Red Alert 3: Uprising that can be used with Red Alert 3. Twisted Terrace, Killington Cove, Honor Bound, Trench Warfare.
Red Alert 3 Maps for Uprising Map Pack
This map pack contains all the maps from Red Alert 3 that are not available in Red Alert 3: Uprising.