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How to play
Tiberian Dawn

For many, Command & Conquer is considered the landmark title which originally defined and popularised the real-time strategy genre. It was only later that it would become known to fans as "Tiberian Dawn".

Follow our simple how to play guide in order to experience the original campaigns in their full glory or dive straight into multiplayer via CnCNet.

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"Your efforts have landed us here my faithful friend. The Temple is complete, and we are about to embark upon our greatest exploit." - Kane

Tiberian Dawn streamers

"You'll GDI Oppressors Don't Even Smoke Tiberium" - Kane | !socials

Tiberian Dawn News

Discover the latest Tiberian Dawn news from around the C&C community. Including patches, maps, mods and much more!

C&C Steam Workshop Support & Source Code

C&C Steam Workshop Support & Source Code

In exciting news for Command & Conquer fans around the world, EA has announced significant updates to the C&C Ultimate Collection on Steam. Following its launch last year, EA enlisted the expertise of Luke "CCHyper" Feenan, a veteran of the C&C community, to enhance the collection. With access to the C&C Archive, Luke has spent the past year collaborating with EA teams and community leaders in order to release the source code and support mods on the Steam Workshop for several titles in the franchise. Read more here!

After 12 long years, C&C The Ultimate Collection is finally available on Steam!

After 12 long years, C&C The Ultimate Collection is finally available on Steam!

The Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection is now available on Steam and the EA App. From the classic Tiberium Saga to the alternate universe of Red Alert to the modern warfare of Generals, this must-have compilation delivers a Command & Conquer experience like no other.

Dawn of the Tiberium Age: Version 1.20 Release!

Dawn of the Tiberium Age: Version 1.20 Release!

Dawn of the Tiberium Age, a Tiberian Sun mod based on the combination of TD & RA units within the Tiberian Sun engine, saw the release of its latest build v1.20 introducing a major rebalancing of it's Nod faction. You can download the standalone mod @ or checkout some of the Developer's discussions on the day of it's release @

C&C TD Remastered Map Making Competition July 2021

C&C TD Remastered Map Making Competition July 2021

Community member Danku is hosting a special Tiberian Dawn Map Making contest for the month of July (deadline submission date: 30th July). - Max 2 entries per person - 1st & 2nd place prizes - Special Judge Panel including: Achromic White, Lovehandles, Mclama, FeRReT666, Myself I ran through the details of the contest earlier and have the vod here for easy access:

Trailer of Dawn of Tomorrow released

Trailer of Dawn of Tomorrow released

After a decade of work, Kilkakon is finally ready to release his massive storyline-centered total conversion mod for Tiberian Dawn, named "Dawn of Tomorrow".It features tons of new units, structures and terrain, and a story line replacing the normal campaigns, which features a complete custom-made world map for mission selection, and animated briefing cutscenes between the missions.