Command & Conquer 3 News

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C&C Steam Workshop Support & Source Code

C&C Steam Workshop Support & Source Code

In exciting news for Command & Conquer fans around the world, EA has announced significant updates to the C&C Ultimate Collection on Steam. Following its launch last year, EA enlisted the expertise of Luke "CCHyper" Feenan, a veteran of the C&C community, to enhance the collection. With access to the C&C Archive, Luke has spent the past year collaborating with EA teams and community leaders in order to release the source code and support mods on the Steam Workshop for several titles in the franchise. Read more here!

After 12 long years, C&C The Ultimate Collection is finally available on Steam!

After 12 long years, C&C The Ultimate Collection is finally available on Steam!

The Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection is now available on Steam and the EA App. From the classic Tiberium Saga to the alternate universe of Red Alert to the modern warfare of Generals, this must-have compilation delivers a Command & Conquer experience like no other.

Kane''s Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster - New Update Available!

Kane''s Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster - New Update Available!

One vision, one purpose! Masterleafcnc and the staff from Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster has been working hard these days and they have just released what could be its final version. Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster strives to improve the quality of the assets of Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath to look as best as possible in high screen resolutions like 4K. However, to use it, you'll need a video card with 4GB of RAM or more. The Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster had one goal, to make the game as good-looking as possible. With a painstaking amount of work done it's available for all to download. It comes in two versions: Standard or Alternate and is compatible with C&C Online multiplayer and includes bonus features for those with 1.02+ R18 map packs installed. Note: Some of the features are only available by using the 1.02+ R18 Map Packs, found on the Command Post app, which can be found here: (It also serves as a mirror for this). No installation guide is necessary, the installer takes care of everything. If you are curious about Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster, visit the Official Website to obtain further information about it. And that's all regarding Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Kane's Wrath 4K Add-On Remaster!

WrathEd v1.10 Released

WrathEd v1.10 Released

One of the barriers for entry for Kane's Wrath modding has been the sheer number of official and unofficial versions of its fan-made mod SDK, WrathEd, including the availability of its links. Today, its creator @Lauren (a.k.a. Darth Jane, among many other names) decided to publish an updated version labeled 1.10 to GitHub with its source code and pre-compiled package available to everyone. While modders for Tiberium Wars and Kane's Wrath have been making their own definitions to fix the issues in the existing ones without direct feedback to her, some of them are incorrect but pull requests are welcome. This is the only release of the tool that will get Lauren's tech support, all others are hereby considered obsolete. For the download, click here, and for the source code itself, step right here (hope you know C#).

Tiberian Sun Rising: Nod Scarab

Tiberian Sun Rising: Nod Scarab

Tiberian Sun Rising, the Command & Conquer 3 mod that seeks to recreate Tiberian Sun faithfully in C&C3's engine, while also modernizing its gameplay, has recently received a development update. The Scarab, Nod's ultimate unit and counterpart to the Mammoth Mark II Prototype, as well as the Amphibious Carrier, has been revealed, alongside new Tiberium life. You may read the full update over here.

Tiberium Essence CABAL update

Tiberium Essence CABAL update

Command & Conquer 3's Tiberium Essence mod is a community favorite. Not only does it alter Tiberium Wars to bring it closer to Tiberian Sun's level of advanced technology and Tiberium wildlife, but it also brings many new additions, one of which is a fully-playable Forgotten faction. Tiberium Essence 1 retains the original faction, but Tiberium Essence 2 will go into more interesting directions. While Tiberium Essence 2's first version added the Forgotten, the next version will also bring a playable CABAL faction. Just in time for the holidays, as usual, mod author Carnius has posted some screenshots of the upcoming CABAL faction to Tiberium Essence's ModDB page, as well as a short update on where development stands for the next release.

OS .BIG Editor 0.584 is now available!

OS .BIG Editor 0.584 is now available!

Hello everyone! I've recently uploaded a new version of the Open Source .BIG Editor, which is a program that allows you to browse, extract files and generate new .MEG files used in games like Command & Conquer: Remastered Collection, 8-Bit Armies, Grey Goo, Universe at War, Star Wars: Empires at War, and .BIG files used in Command And Conquer Renegade, Generals, Tiberian Wars, Red Alert 3, Tiberian Twilight and also on Lord of the Rings: Batt...

OpenSage Blender Plugin 0.5 has been released!

OpenSage Blender Plugin 0.5 has been released!

For those modding Renegade, Generals and Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2, Command & Conquer 3 and Red Alert 3 here's good news: your favorite and only Blender Plugin from OpenSage, that exports W3D and W3X models from Blender, has been updated once again. The version 0.5 has several bug fixes that makes the exporter more reliable. 

OS .BIG Editor 0.583 has been released!

OS .BIG Editor 0.583 has been released!

With the release of C&C: Remastered Collection, we have got some feedback on how OS .BIG Editor handles the files there. And we have concluded that the previous releases of the program were incompatible with 32bits TGA files. So, we have a new release of the OS .BIG Editor with the following features: - Extract All window's size has been corrected. - Creating a new directory when extracting files now updates the directory listing component at...

Assimilator, SAGE Animation Extracting Tool Out Now

Assimilator, SAGE Animation Extracting Tool Out Now

As a New Year's gift, Lauren (a.k.a. Darth Jane) published an entirely new tool called the Assimilator. The way it works is that it loads any .skudef of a late SAGE game (Tiberium Wars, Kane's Wrath, Red Alert 3, Uprising, or Tiberian Twilight), and then it lists all the W3D animations contained in that game. You can then select any animation, and in the right part of the window, you'll see the XML output of that animation. This way, you won't ha...