Battle for Dune: War of Assassins - New Map Changes (#Blog 136)
Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! Hope that you all had a great day, its been a while since our last update but its time for some Dune game news! Map Changes and Comparisons TeamWolf and the BFD team have been busy updating The Hagga Gulch and Tsimpo Village maps. Here are comparison shots of what they looked like before and where we're taking them! Hagga Gulch Starting with our Hagga Gulch map, notice the changes we made in the textures for the terrain compared to the old ones. Before: After: As you may have noticed we have added new cliff pieces. We have also added additional tunnels with more capture points. Tsimpo Village Tsimpo Village has been completely redesigned, we've also updated the textures, cliffs and ruined houses! Before: After: Also notice that we added extra cliffs covering the paths from the spawn zones, this is to prevent spawn killing. For The Duke! House Atreides will prevail for the Duke! That's it for the update, we hope you enjoyed the new updates on our maps! As always follow us at the greatest and latest over on Facebook, catch us Tweeting @W3DHub on Twitter, catch up with everything else BFD over on IndieDB! Also be sure to join our discord server at Discord!