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Battle for Dune: War of Assassins - New Map Changes (#Blog 136)

Battle for Dune: War of Assassins - New Map Changes (#Blog 136)

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! Hope that you all had a great day, its been a while since our last update but its time for some Dune game news! Map Changes and Comparisons TeamWolf and the BFD team have been busy updating The Hagga Gulch and Tsimpo Village maps. Here are comparison shots of what they looked like before and where we're taking them! Hagga Gulch Starting with our Hagga Gulch map, notice the changes we made in the textures for the terrain compared to the old ones. Before: After: As you may have noticed we have added new cliff pieces. We have also added additional tunnels with more capture points. Tsimpo Village Tsimpo Village has been completely redesigned, we've also updated the textures, cliffs and ruined houses! Before: After: Also notice that we added extra cliffs covering the paths from the spawn zones, this is to prevent spawn killing. For The Duke! House Atreides will prevail for the Duke! That's it for the update, we hope you enjoyed the new updates on our maps! As always follow us at the greatest and latest over on Facebook, catch us Tweeting @W3DHub on Twitter, catch up with everything else BFD over on IndieDB! Also be sure to join our discord server at Discord!

ECW hotfix and Christmas event announcement!

ECW hotfix and Christmas event announcement!

Enjoy a small hotfix for the holidays! The server will also have 10x payouts for jobs Christmas day (being the 25th CST).[blurb]Enjoy a small hotfix for the holidays! The server will also have 10x payouts for jobs Christmas day (being the 25th CST).[/blurb] Bug Fixes/Improvements: Updated the credits file (It was missing some creators of 3D models). Fixed some typos Defaulted the Nuclear Power Plant dazzle setting to 0 for max client performance. Fix for the infinite ammo/money glitch when players had tons of money in the bank and bought a weapon with cheap ammo. Added some more animal animations. Tornados now ignore players that are in spawn mode. Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

C&C Renegade's 19th Anniversary Event!

C&C Renegade's 19th Anniversary Event!

The community is organizing a huge reunion to celebrate Renegade's 19th birthday! During the event, we'll be hopping between multiple games inspired by Renegade, along with enjoying some action from the classic itself!

Prism Tank & Harrier Update!

Prism Tank & Harrier Update!

How’s it going everyone? You may have been asking, "Where is AR at the moment?" and through this video you can find out! We are happy to announce that we have hit Alpha! This means that the features that we wanted to include in the first release have made it ingame. Thanks to the efforts of the team over these past few months, we have cleared this milestone! Today we’re excited to showcase a few of these new features! In this video we have included the new HUD and UI, improvements to the Allied Prism Tank including an all-new refraction projectile, and a physics overhaul of the Allied Harrier! All this and more in this video update brought to you by OWA. Please feel free to comment below about anything you would like to see in a future video, and we would be happy to show it off for you!

W3D Hub is looking for hobby programmers!

W3D Hub is looking for hobby programmers!

Hi everyone! We're currently actively looking for talented hobby programmers to join our code team! Who are we? W3D Hub is a non-profit team of developers that focus on further development of Command & Conquer Renegade's W3D Game Engine. C&C Renegade's W3D Engine is an enigma of sorts. Around the time when games like Unreal and Quake were popular, Westwood Studios released their own FPS into the market; C&C Renegade...

Tree Updates & APB Game Night!

Tree Updates & APB Game Night!

Next weekend, starting January 23rd, join us at 3PM EST for a thrilling night of gaming with the W3D Hub community! We're hoping for an amazing turn out, and hope you'll help us make it a fun night to remember! Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 players based on the event scoreboard.

Merry Christmas! Reborn's coming back!

Merry Christmas! Reborn's coming back!

Hi everyone! Merry Christmas to you all and thanks for sticking with us during this tough year. Covid-19 has tested all of our collective resolve this year amongst other challenges, but we're pushing on through and looking forward to what 2021 brings! You may have noticed a certain thread popping up recently with some good news regarding Tiberian Sun: Reborn, so I just want to take a moment to address that and let you all know about what our plans are. 

Renegade X: Firestorm Dev Updates

Renegade X: Firestorm Dev Updates

Over the past few months, Renegade X developers have released a few Developer Updates (DevTalks) for their upcoming Firestorm expansion, which adds a new Tiberian Sun mode. The new mode streamlines the classic "Command & Conquer" mode from Renegade and Renegade X, all while adding Base Building, new art & game mechanics. DevTalk 3, their latest one, was released just 2 weeks ago, and goes into the devs' vision of the future for Renegade X.

APB Changelog

APB Changelog

Red Alert: A Path Beyond version has been released! Stop by and have some fun with us during this season as we shoot it out on the new Christmas map!

Scripts 4.7 is now available

Scripts 4.7 is now available

Today (Saturday the 26th of September) marks the 25th anniversary of Command & Conquer. And in the immortal words of GDI Commando Nick "Havoc" Parker "I Got a Present For Ya". After a long wait, I am finally releasing scripts 4.7 (the latest version of the Tiberian Technologies unofficial patch for C&C Renegade) to the world.

Renegade-X: Firestorm has been revealed!

Renegade-X: Firestorm has been revealed!

A couple of days ago, Renegade-X: Firestorm has been revealed with an interesting trailer. It brings the Tiberian Sun: Firestorm theme to their first person shooter game, created with the Unreal engine. And today we have more tidbits where the developers discuss how they are working on it and further details about the project. For more information about Renegade-X: Firestorm, visit Renegade-X's site.

APB Game Night 27th June

APB Game Night 27th June

It's game time! Coming to an APB server near you, it is the official Game Night with prizes! We'll be giving out Steam cards to the best players of this event, and we promise it will be an amazing turnout! The event begins next Saturday (the 27th) at 7PM GMT and ends the same time on Sunday (the 28th), so you'll have 24 hours to score as many points as possible!